Refund policy
If you use the free version of Teamwork, you will never be charged. However, you can upgrade your account at any time
You can also select a 30-day trial version when you sign up for any of the paid accounts If you cancel within this 30-day trial, you will not be charged We do not ask for payment details to start a 30-day trial
When your 30-day free trial period expires, you will be asked to create a paid subscription on the Subscription page of your Teamwork installation to continue using the paid service You will be charged monthly approximately 30-days from the date you make the first payment
If you decide not to continue on the plan you picked for your 30-day trial, your account will automatically be downgraded to the free account which you can use forever without charge
To cancel your subscription on a paid plan, you must cancel your PayPal Subscription from within PayPal. Once your paypal account has been cancelled, your monthly payment will be cancelled You can cancel your account at any time simply by logging in, going to the Subscription page and clicking the ‘Cancel my account’ link
If you opt to pay once a year in advance, there is no part refund if you decide to stop using your account during the year. Once you pay for a year upfront your account will be live for 12 months. After the 12 months you can either re-new for a whole year, pay month by month, or drop to a free account