For all the number crunchers and data enthusiasts in the audience, this release is for you! Teamwork’s reporting capabilities just got a whole lot sweeter.
Our current in-house reports are well-loved and used, surfacing tons of important data and information. From managing your team’s capacity, to analyzing the health of a project, there’s likely a report for you.
But knowing just how critical reporting is, we wanted to expand our offering and introduce 3 new options for your reporting needs: Custom, Time, and Scheduled.
Now you’ll be even more on your way to unlocking better insights and identifying necessary actions to see your project’s to unwavering success—all while saving precious time along the way!
1. Custom Reporting
Just like clothing or furniture, anything custom-made just really fits the exact look and feel you’re after. Recognizing that business needs change often and can be quite complex, Custom Reports are tailor-made for the exact occasion.
Custom Reports open the door to a magnitude of additional reports based on Projects, Tasks, Milestones, and Users. You have complete flexibility to pick and choose specific criteria, date ranges, filters, user permissions, and more. Oh! And if you need to revisit a report later on and grab the most up-to-date version of the data, a simple refresh will do just the trick.

Reports reach their full potential when they are accessible and shared with others. With Custom Reports, add any and all internal teammates to the report—so even if your teammates don’t have permissions to create or manage reports they still see information that’s pertinent to them. Custom Reports that you’re added to will automatically appear in your reports gallery.
Finally you can unlock the power of your own data and turn what you input within Teamwork into valuable and personalized outputs. Need some inspiration? Here are some Custom Reports that are already fan favorites:
Overdue Tasks or Milestones across Projects to see the overall status and what needs help
Priority and time logged across your Tasks to see the true lift of your biggest initiatives
User report exploring estimated time vs logged time to ensure time estimates are accurate
2. Time Reporting
It’s likely you have a target ratio in mind splitting your team’s billable and non-billable time (70-30 sound familiar?). The Time Report tracks and manages your team's time logs across projects to help you visualize your time and understand those valuable minutes and hours.
See the breakdown of billable, non-billable, and billed time for your projects, clients, and teams with an easy-to-read bar chart. It showcases this split of time beautifully and includes what billable work has actually been billed so you can keep on top of invoicing. The gauge displays your target ratio so you can always glance and instantly have a pulse on this important metric.

Time Reports also include the time log table—a powerful and customizable table view to further explore your time (and even track it against a project budget!). Thanks to two hierarchies of data points, you can create multiple combinations of views based on Company, Team, User, Project, or Task. Advanced filters, and a custom date range help to further drill into exactly what you need.
Reporting on Time is a huge contributor to running a profitable business. Now you can make sure you’re achieving your billable time targets and who knows, maybe take on a new client?
3. Scheduled Reporting
Do you ever have to send the same report to management every month? Scheduled Reports are here to give you back some breathing room in your day, saving you precious time and the hassle of repetitive tasks.
All site level reports in Teamwork can be scheduled to proactively land in teammates' email inboxes based on a predetermined cadence that only needs to be set up once. Configuring and managing Scheduled Reports is easy and flexible. You have complete control over the title, start/end date, time, frequency, format (PDF, CSV, Excel), and audience, and it’s simple to disable, delete, and pinpoint the exact report you’re looking for.

Teammates who have access to the report are able to set up and manage the scheduling details, making transparency and stakeholder alignment a breeze and eliminating redundant clarifying questions back and forth.
No longer will tedious administrative tasks interrupt the rhythm of your working day. With Scheduled Reports you can target the right people, with the right information, at the right time. Simply set it and forget it, so you can focus on work that actually moves the needle.