Features / Ticket management

Become more organized, efficient, and helpful

Track, manage and organize customer communication by turning emails into tickets.

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It starts with shared inboxes for the team

Funnel all of your customer emails into shared team inboxes where they’re converted to tickets, ready to be assigned to a member of the team. Inboxes are accessible by all helpdesk agents so nobody works in a silo. Centralizing your communications hub means better team collaboration and overall transparency.

Inbox organization is key

How you organize and manage your team inbox is essential for delivering efficient and helpful customer support. With our ticketing system you can be confident that nothing is falling through the cracks and give your agents everything they need to prioritize, categorize, and oversee customer conversations.

Assign tickets

Assign tickets to the right member of your team for more accountability and faster resolutions.

Ticket statuses

Update tickets with a status like Active, Waiting on customer, Solved for more visibility on support progress.

Priority level

Add a priority level to tickets like Low, Medium,or High so you know how quickly you need to act on a ticket.

Add tags

Create custom tags and add them to tickets to help categorize and organize your customer conversations.

Merge tickets

Merge two separate tickets from the same customer into one thread for times when you receive two of the same requests from one customer.

Ticketing options

Quickly organize tickets by inbox, type, priority or source to make sure that customer requests are in the right place.

Time tracking in Teamwork Desk

Track the amount of time agents spend working on tickets to give you more visibility over your overall performance.

The right tools for better communication

With one central helpdesk ticketing system, you can help your team to work together to resolve issues faster, keep your customers happy, and get more done.

Collision detection

Alert your team when another agent is viewing or replying to the same ticket to avoid any communication mishaps.

Add internal notes

Add notes to tickets that can only be seen by the team — perfect for when you need to flag information or discuss a ticket in context.

Add followers

Add any member of your team as a follower on a ticket so they’ll be kept in the loop as the conversation progresses.

Canned responses

Use pre-populated responses to reply to common queries so you can keep your customer support answers quick and consistent.

Ticket activity

Get a timeline overview of all the actions carried out by agents on a ticket to add transparency to your customer support process.

Customer history

Quickly see what other requests customers have sent in from their history overview, giving you more information in context.

Get started with Teamwork Desk

One central place to manage communications with transparency and accountability — helping you to deliver unforgettable customer support.