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Project management for non-project managers
No matter what your LinkedIn byline says, we’re willing to bet that you’re a project manager.
Need to coordinate work across a bunch of people to meet an ever-changing deadline? That’s project management. Need to deliver feedback from a client to your team and strategize how to implement the requested changes? That’s project management. Need to plan a birthday party for a colleague without them finding out? That’s project management, too.
As the way we work becomes increasingly project-based across all industries, more and more people who never set out to become project managers are finding themselves in the business of managing projects.
So how can you learn to be a better project manager, even if you’re not a Project Manager? We’ve put together this ebook to help.
We’re seeing an increase in people in mission-critical roles working together to Get Things Done.

What’s inside
Which project management methodology is right for you. Agile? Waterfall? An agile waterfall? Here’s what you need to know.
The top traits of the best project managers. It’s not just about qualifications — these are the top traits you need to be a great project manager.
How to future-proof your project management. Get ahead of the curve by implementing these trends.
Get a copy of 'Project management for non-project managers' now