Partners/ Pravda Media Group

Pravda Media Group

Pravda Media Group is a leader in B2B marketing & lead generation solutions. We focus on business challenges and implement & train organizations on Teamwork as part of the solution. We specialise in helping organizations solve business challenges in fast-paced environments.

Tel Aviv, Israel

About Pravda Media Group

Pravda Media Group is a leader in B2B marketing & lead generation solutions. We focus on business challenges and implement & train organizations on Teamwork as part of the solution. We specialise in helping organizations solve business challenges in fast-paced environments. We use Teamwork to run our own business and loved it so much that we integrated Teamwork as a core element of how we work with our customers too.

We help your business identify your problem, define your goal and the impact your organization wants to achieve. We help create clear KPIs & why’s behind the project and utilize the power of Teamwork as the core engine to manage the project idea into reality & impact. We also provide expertise on project auditing & monitoring to ensure the impact & changes implemented are sustained going forward.

Pravda Media Group can be your key asset in unlocking your organization’s ability to enact real & sustainable change. Let us help you to drive the improvements needed to take your organizations to the next level.

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