We help organisations to improve their track record on change management and ICT implementation. We strongly believe in bringing vision and focus to implementing new ways of working across the organisation. As professionals we bring professional tooling on project management to our customers and Teamwork is our preferred platform.
About Voorts
Innovating your organisation is a challenge. Technology is available but in healthcare the use of technology does not always deliver the promised results. We implement with impact and have a specialized methodology. If you are ready for specialists, you are read for Voorts.
We bring:
Vision where needed.
Adoption of new ways of working.
We train for the required skills.
We add expertise were needed.
We put processes right.
We share knowledge to make your organisation better.
We create the business case and monitor it for you.
We have two services for this:
Program management: Our general approach to make sure the change you look for gets done. We manage the projects, create overview and make sure progress is delivered. Our leading example here is the mental healthcare improvement program in the Netherlands. The program is related to all mental healthcare organisations, based on the general agreement with healthcare providers, healthcare insurances companies and patient organisations to reduce waiting list, improve quality and control costs. The total supervision on the program, the organisation and its progress is managed by Voorts, using Teamwork.
Implementation and adoption: With our specific methodology and 9 step plan ©, we make sure the entire organisations adopts a new process and platform. Main examples here are implementation and process redesign related to the Electronic Patient Files. We have implemented systems like Adapcare (EPD) and MindDistrict (eHealth, online care).
Languages: English & Dutch